Outside of the scope of the Portlet specification 1. Download example-extension-new.war example_extension_new.war 2. Access the Extensible Administration Console by pointing your web browser to http://localhost:8080/console. 3. Select Deploy New on the left navigation bar. In this three-part series, the articles describe new features available in the Java Portlet Specification 2.0 (JSR 286) and extensions supported by OpenPortal Portlet Container 2.x. Enhanced IFrame portlet for Liferay Portal (cross-domain resizing) - cm0s/iframe-plus-portlet Simple Liferay portlet to create portlets from JavaScript applications (React, Angular, etc) - hannikkala/liferay-javascript-portlet An eXo portlet that displays current users online count (written in react) - teknologist/exo-users-count-portlet The first is to use relative path uri, the second is to use file: url, and the last is to classpath: uri -->