Ansible to download acme root file

Let's Encrypt ansible role. Contribute to kyl191/kyl191.letsencrypt development by creating an account on GitHub.

️ A private certificate authority (X.509 & SSH) & ACME server for secure automated certificate management, so you can use TLS everywhere & SSO for SSH. - smallstep/certificates wget https: // /go-acme /lego /releases /download /v3.2.0 /lego_v3.2.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz -qO- | tar -C /tmp -xz lego

wget https: // /go-acme /lego /releases /download /v3.2.0 /lego_v3.2.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz -qO- | tar -C /tmp -xz lego

wget https: // /go-acme /lego /releases /download /v3.2.0 /lego_v3.2.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz -qO- | tar -C /tmp -xz lego Also, I’m telling ansible to use the default pi user to log in to the machine: Ansible role that creates a jailed nginx server. Contribute to JoergFiedler/freebsd-jailed-nginx development by creating an account on GitHub. Ansible role to set up (the latest version of) HAProxy in Ubuntu systems - Oefenweb/ansible-haproxy ️ A private certificate authority (X.509 & SSH) & ACME server for secure automated certificate management, so you can use TLS everywhere & SSO for SSH. - smallstep/certificates deploys TLS certificate, optionally creates self-signed certificate - CyVerse-Ansible/ansible-tls-cert Ansible role to install simp_le and generate certificates on Ubuntu/Debian. - L-P/ansible-role-simp_le

With ansible, all the work goes into the first deployment, giving you the ability to redeploy a server at a moments notice.

An Ansible role that automates the generation of Let's Encrypt signed certificates with DNS challenges on Amazon's Route 53 (AWS) - mprahl/ansible-role-lets-encrypt-route-53 Ansible-powered setup of a Linux web host with Mysql and ACME-enabled Nginx running applications written in Python and/or PHP - pyroscope/alma-nap Install and auto-renew SSL certificates with Let's Encrypt and Ansible. - nickjj/ansible-letsencrypt An ansible playbook for setting up production and staging WordPress site(s). Nginx, php7.1, ssl ready (via letsencrypt), mariadb. - nerrad/wordpress-ansible-playbook Ansible role for installing and configuring the Caddy web server - caddy-ansible/caddy-ansible wget https: // /go-acme /lego /releases /download /v3.2.0 /lego_v3.2.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz -qO- | tar -C /tmp -xz lego

An Ansible role that creates or renews a certificate with and optionally installs it to servers. Does not require root, stopping any processes, or installation of any software on the remote hosts - 20c/ansible-role…

Ansible role for installing a nextcloud server. Contribute to aalaesar/install_nextcloud development by creating an account on GitHub. Set up a letsencrypt certbot. Contribute to bkoz/letsencrypt development by creating an account on GitHub. Ansible-based solution for rapidly deploying a Docker containerized cloud media server. - Cloudbox/Cloudbox # {{ ansible_managed }} location /.well-known/acme-challenge { root /var/www/letsencrypt; error_page 404 =500 @500; } location @500 { return 500; } Reference for .circleci/config.yml Mainly blogging about system and database administration, cloud computing, Docker, configuration management with Ansible and DevOps stuff in general.

It can still happen that it is written to disk by Ansible in the process of moving the module Path to a file containing the ACME account RSA or Elliptic Curve key. and root certificates: Allows to find the root certificate for the returned fullchain. 14 Nov 2019 Next, create a new file in the /etc/ansible/host_vars directory with the name of your You set the owner of the directories to root and apply the permissions u=rwx,g=x Next, you will add a task to implement the ACME challenge files for Load · Creative Commons License. This work is licensed under a  A Subreddit dedicated to fostering communication in the Ansible Community, delegate_to: "{{remote_host}}" file: dest: "{{item.path}}" owner: root group: root mode: when: acme_data.challenge_data_dns is defined - name: Upload keys/files Is there an easy way to tell Ansible to download every file on the control node  A Subreddit dedicated to fostering communication in the Ansible Community, includes There is a built in module acme_certificate that should work with any ACME /src/master/ansible/roles/letsencrypt/tasks/main.yml?fileviewer=file-view-default When we had our one major repo all playbooks were at the root and any  The debops.pki Ansible role provides support for the ACMEv2 protocol which is When the pki-realm detects the acme/request.pem file, it automatically calls the downloads Let's Encrypt intermediate certificate as well as links the Root CA  24 Jan 2019 With ansible, all the work goes into the first deployment, giving you the ability to The first thing I do is create a quick file and folder structure. For this example, I'll show how to write a playbook to setup httpd with acme-client for ssl /etc/ owner: root group: wheel mode: 0644 backup: no notify: - restart httpd  22 Oct 2019 The hosts file / inventory is the Ansible way of keeping track of IP If you're creating a new key pair, download the private key file (ends in .pem ), save the file to changed: [] TASK [secure_server : Disable root login via (http-01): urn:acme:error:connection 

Ansible role for installing and configuring the Caddy web server - caddy-ansible/caddy-ansible wget https: // /go-acme /lego /releases /download /v3.2.0 /lego_v3.2.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz -qO- | tar -C /tmp -xz lego Also, I’m telling ansible to use the default pi user to log in to the machine: Ansible role that creates a jailed nginx server. Contribute to JoergFiedler/freebsd-jailed-nginx development by creating an account on GitHub. Ansible role to set up (the latest version of) HAProxy in Ubuntu systems - Oefenweb/ansible-haproxy ️ A private certificate authority (X.509 & SSH) & ACME server for secure automated certificate management, so you can use TLS everywhere & SSO for SSH. - smallstep/certificates

A workshop focused on provisioning services with OpenShift, Ansible, and the Operator Framework. - rh-openshift-ansible-better-together/dev-track

deploys TLS certificate, optionally creates self-signed certificate - CyVerse-Ansible/ansible-tls-cert Ansible role to install simp_le and generate certificates on Ubuntu/Debian. - L-P/ansible-role-simp_le An ansible role to generate TLS certificates and get them signed by Let's Encrypt - tdietel/ansible-role-certbot AP Application Load Balancer. Ansible Role to manage your own, DIY, Load Balancer based on HAProxy + OpenResty + On-the-fly auto Https - fititnt/ap-application-load-balancer A workshop focused on provisioning services with OpenShift, Ansible, and the Operator Framework. - rh-openshift-ansible-better-together/dev-track